Monthly Operating Revenues

Monthly Operating Revenues

Unit: NTD thousand

Month Monthly Accumulated
2024 2023 YOY Change (%) 2024 2023 YOY Change (%)
1 804,846 437,746 83.86 804,846 437,746 83.86
2 643,874 581,918 10.65 1,448,720 1,019,664 42.08
3 794,897 783,210 1.49 2,243,617 1,802,874 24.45
4 817,223 594,415 37.48 3,060,840 2,397,289 27.68
5 973,678 610,678 59.44 4,034,519 3,007,968 34.13
6 907,560 530,329 71.13 4,942,078 3,538,296 39.67
7 823,986 578,974 42.32 5,766,064 4,117,270 40.05
8 836,096 655,615 27.53 6,602,161 4,772,885 38.33
9 690,467 5,463,353
10 759,281 6,222,633
11 744,091 6,966,724
12 773,864 7,740,588
Month Monthly Accumulated
2023 2022 YOY Change (%) 2023 2022 YOY Change (%)
1 437,746 913,636 (52.09) 437,746 913,636 (52.09)
2 581,918 768,783 (24.31) 1,019,664 1,682,419 (39.39)
3 783,210 1,139,439 (31.26) 1,802,874 2,821,857 (36.11)
4 594,415 919,860 (35.38) 2,397,289 3,741,718 (35.93)
5 610,678 737,288 (17.17) 3,007,968 4,479,005 (32.84)
6 530,329 896,410 (40.84) 3,538,296 5,375,416 (34.18)
7 578,974 742,046 (21.98) 4,117,270 6,117,462 (32.70)
8 655,615 694,537 (5.60) 4,772,885 6,811,999 (29.93)
9 690,467 713,084 (3.17) 5,463,353 7,525,083 (27.40)
10 759,281 624,203 21.64 6,222,633 8,149,286 (23.64)
11 744,091 615,555 20.88 6,966,724 8,764,841 (20.52)
12 773,864 536,603 44.22 7,740,588 9,301,445 (16.78)
Month Monthly Accumulated
2022 2021 YOY Change (%) 2022 2021 YOY Change (%)
1 913,636 828,749 10.24 913,636 828,749 10.24
2 768,783 708,790 8.46 1,682,419 1,537,539 9.42
3 1,139,439 825,740 37.99 2,821,857 2,363,278 19.40
4 919,860 886,296 3.79 3,741,718 3,249,575 15.14
5 737,288 934,445 (21.10) 4,479,005 4,184,019 7.05
6 896,410 923,139 (2.90) 5,375,416 5,107,158 5.25
7 742,046 1,007,763 (26.37) 6,117,462 6,114,921 0.04
8 694,537 987,059 (29.64) 6,811,999 7,101,980 (4.08)
9 713,084 995,373 (28.36) 7,525,083 8,097,353 (7.07)
10 624,203 1,069,872 (41.66) 8,149,286 9,167,225 (11.10)
11 615,555 1,021,085 (39.72) 8,764,841 10,188,310 (13.97)
12 536,603 1,030,203 (47.91) 9,301,445 11,218,513 (17.09)

Description of revenue decline:
              In 2011, the world faced inflation and interest rate pressures, and the international raw material market generally fell back. The upstream
              and downstream of textiles and petrochemicals obviously felt the shrinking demand, and the demand for international sports brands slowed
              down very significantly. Flexible production measures to maintain a reasonable level of inventory.

Comparison of Revenue for the Last Five Years

Unit: NTD 100 Million

Month 20202021202220232024